Just Another Year End BLOG. =)

by - 2:35:00 AM

okay.. here's the thing...

I don't know where, i don't know when.. and I don't know how. It's been like ages since I wrote a blog. As far as I can remember that was on the first quarter of the year. And those were about my stupidity, my broken heart, and my nonsense rantings. Now I don't know how to start or I don't know how to organize this. I'm really bad when it comes to organizing.. so for those who would be tagged, for those who would be able to read this. Good luck and have fun understanding. (just exaggerating of course, I'll make this as understandable as possible.)

Well my year didn't started out right. It started with a broken heart and selfish procrastinations. My bad. I thought that was the end of my world. Yet I'm glad I managed to clear my head and was able to stop myself from getting out of my senses. Though I did went out of hand and committed suicide, but anyway that was history. There are some things Il but somehow but I've learned my lessons. =) One thing I am thankful about this year.

In the middle of this year, oh well I made a major mistake again. For the nth time I disappointed my dear father and that's one thing I regret the most. Good thing he is the most patient father in the whole world. He accepted me still despite my shortcomings.

But there's one thing I'm so much, uber, to the max thankful for this year. The gift of Love. That's my bibi. She came halfway of the year while I'm in the middle of my wrong romance. She gave me so much happiness I have never imagined. We've been through a lot and yet we're still going strong. In fact I don't know how to describe the relationship we are having. But one word comes to mind... BLISS. Yes, there are some people who wouldn't be able to understand what we have but I don't really care. It's me and her. Not me and the world. =) One day I'd blab about her. How I met her, why do I love her and why would I fight for her for all reasons. Just wait and maybe somehow you'll understand.

This year is a roller coaster ride. Ive met new friends and Ive lost friends. There are some who stayed and there are some who left.

So here's my thank you and sorry speeches for some people.

Well first of all, to my sisters Princess and Vanessa, my friends; Bratinellas - Issa and Che, Abbeah and Victoria, Bikay (Lalab), Makoy, Ivan, Zy-za, Ghia, Mommy Lalhyn, Daddy Jai, Daddy Jet, Candy, Jaz, Adik and for those I forgot to mention thank you so much for staying with me.. for not judging what I have done and for understanding me.

Papa, though you won't be able to read this. Thank you so much for accepting your ever prodigal daughter. Thanks for everything. And I'm so sorry for the heartaches and disappointments. =(

To those who have made my year painful, I forgive you. Thank you for making me strong, for making me realize my faults and thank you for the lessons you've taught. For those who gave up on me, thank you for letting me go, when you closed the door for me somebody opened it and made me realize how beautiful life is. I'm sure I'll never have this so much happiness I am feeling right now if not for you. And of course thanks for the memories. Thank you.

For my new friends.... BEGA. Thanks for making my year a blast! For spicing it up! Surely you've made a difference. =) For my workmates, thanks for keeping my year busy, for believing in my potential and for trusting me.

For those I have hurt, I'm sorry. For the broken promises... I'm sorry.

For my one and only... My baby, honey, sweetheart, my hubby... my everything. Call me cheesy or corny. Whatever! You've made this year so much memorable, exciting, romantic, blissful and everything you can consider positive and nice. =) We've made it through thick and thin. We've made it through my family and your family. And of course I know we'll make it till the end. I'll be looking forward to spending more Christmases, birthdays, New Years, Valentines with you. And I'm so excited to spend my whole days with you. (your graduation day is coming...yeepee!) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! More than these words can say! I LOVE YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN!

And of course, last but definitely not the least, Papa Jesus. Thank you so much for my entire year. Whatever happened to me this year I know it's part of your plan. And thank you for not leaving my side. Thank you for your unconditional love. Sorry for everything Papa! =( I LOVE YOU.

Everyone thank for making my year! Thanks for being a part of it! Please, please!! CONTINUE TO ROCK MY 2011.

Belated Merry Christmas and Advance Happy New Year. =)



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