Housemates or Housewives?

by - 12:25:00 AM

As promised... I will be introducing you to my new housemates. They are my new found friends whom I think will be my friends through thick and thin, in sickness and in health.

When I moved in to another place, I rented a room which was good enough. And I met them. Only that when the next door renovated their place to a comfortable, less-pricey three door apartment, we decided to jump in to the other side. All four of us. Though we're sorry for only staying a month or so in our previous room, we think that it's more convenient for us to rent an apartment instead.

Joy, Budin, Alma

We rented the two apartments. I am with Alma.. Joy and Budin are staying together next door.


The Next Top Model

We share the same apartment. She loves cat and art. She likes to pose. She is our Miss Maxi dress because she has lots of them


Our Little Miss Piggy

No she's not fat! She just love collecting piggy stuffs. I don't know why... it's cute anyway. She's our youngest. She knows how to fire dance.. with her boyfriend.


Call Center Agent and Miss Punctual!

And she's not an agent! We call her that because she's always on the phone talking to her boyfriend who's out there somewhere in a mission. She's always present at work... here in our house facebooking! Lol!!

This is US!

I think we're meant for each other. We have our differences, but we are all just the same. Pretty and charming! Hahah... But we have lots of things in common tooo... the color pink...and we're all taken! Sorry guys! =) But like I said in my previous blog, these are new found friends but they are friend for keeps.

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  1. san po yang apartment nyo? may vacant pa at magkano? thanks!


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