What I Got Today!

by - 10:14:00 AM

New Sunnies from Chic Boxroom

Blue and White Porcelain Pen and A Bookmark Suit from Look Chem

I was so delighted when I got this. I got this as a gift from Look Chem. A thank you gift for putting their banner on my blog.

So this is how it feels.. =)

Chichi's Meaty Stick, Harness and Leash from  Handyman

Chichi's Collar with Bell from Handyman

Looked all over for a collar with a bell that would fit her tiny neck.

These all made my day. Mostly when I arrived and checked if the collar would fit her and when I saw her enjoying the treat! Nothing beats the feeling so far. Oh I can't wait for my baby to come out!! I know this would be the best feeling ever.

Unfortunately I don't have someone to take a pic of my outfit so I settled with this. =)

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