Firmoo: Just Perfect.

by - 10:44:00 AM

I never really owned a pair of glasses ever since only because I never wanted to wear one. I am nearsighted and always have to be in the front row to see clearly, always have to squint. I remember my supervisor calling me the squint lady during my call center days because I used to walk in our hallway with squinting eyes. Then I decided to try contact lenses. It was good enough. Trendy and fashionable but the downside is its dangerous and it expires.

Now one shop had given me all the reasons why I should wear glasses instead of anything else..

I was sent glasses from Firmoo for a review and it took me so much time to get it just because I can't give them my prescription. First of all, they don't just wanna send glasses that would not satisfy the person who would wear it. That's just one reason why they are awesome. Another thing that I am pretty excited about even before I got it was when I get to choose the glasses I want!!

So I was on cloud nine when Mr. Postman knocked on my door and handed me my first ever glasses.

What I got from them:

Hard Case
Soft Case
Cleaning Cloth

I finally got to wear it and voila I can see clearly, I can read clearly.. no more headaches for me.
One thing I like about my pair is the design which really suits me. I never wanted to wear glasses before because I think that's unflattering. But Firmoo changed my views on glasses. Another thing is they have the QUALITY. My boyfriend even said that these pair will last long. Longer that it might go out of fashion. 

Yes that's me with my glasses!
I'm 8 months pregnant by the way.

Firmoo doesn't just solve your eye problem, it also improves your OOTDs! There's a lot of designs to choose from. And it's not just fashionable.. it's affordable too. 

Firmoo never really failed my expectation, in fact it's more than what I expected. 

One word description for my glasses? PERFECT.

Check out their site HERE. Be thrilled with their designs and discounts!! 
Be updated too.. like their Facebook and check out their giveaways.

All thanks to FIRMOO!! 
Planning to get another one sooo sooon.


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