Totally Back!

by - 10:26:00 AM

So before I go to sleep.. Lemme announce that I am totally back from the dead.. Hehe jk

So sorry for being so silent these past.. Now that I am a mom, a wife, a guardian to my sister and an online seller, its really a bit difficult for me to manage my time. If  I am not taking care of my prince, i am doing orders and other duties.. And if I am free either I am sleeping or instagramming. Haha. I don't even have time to read books. My 100 books to read is such an epic fail. 😩

Anyway, I miss doing this. Sharing my thoughts, my outfit posts or just nonsense.. I feel incomplete.. (For the char) hehe. So here I am.. Finally back with my Blogger app on my phone, i'd post here as much as I can. 

I hope that you're still there. Waiting..


Here's my view by the way.. #nofilter (hashtaggin'??) haha


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