Just Another Rant.

by - 10:31:00 AM

I don't know why but when I became a Mom, my schedule went crazy. Maybe it's my lack of discipline or maybe it's my unforgivable time management. I wanted to update my blog from time to time, read a book, do outfit posts and write reviews but I just can't. And here I am battling with myself... 

There's a lot of things to tell. I wanna share my happy mommy moments, my gandang-ganda-sa-sarili moments and all but I don't know where to start. Really admire those mommies who's doing a great job as a blogger, an enteepreneur/worker and a mother. You know its not an easy job. I always find myself sleeping on my free time. 

Anyway, just before I end my rant tonight.. I wanna share this cuttie! ;))


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