A Day at BN Whitening Shoppe

by - 9:35:00 AM

How's everyone doing?

So I got invited to try out BN Whitening Shoppe's services and the feeling-busy-mommy right here got so excited about it. Well, of course!! Finally, it's pamper time for me!

First of all, I must say that BN Whitening Shoppe's main branch is just made perfect for girly girls like me! The interior is so pretty and mesmerizing! A combination of grey and pink and everything is just sugar and spice!! ALL NICE! It actually feels like home, just prettier.

When I got there, BN ladies were all smiles and greeted me so warmly. I first had my Beauty Drip assisted by of course a registered nurse and I was told that it has an antioxidant, anti-aging, collagen, and vitamin c! It took about 30min more or less before it was totally consumed. While having my drip session, I had my facial assited by their yet another friendly Esthetician. Honestly, it's been awhile since I had my facial but I am very glad that the lady who handled me at BN worked so gently with my face. Ang gaan ng kamay. Swear! During my pamper session, both ladies chatted with me and I found out both are also mothers like me, you can guess now that there never was a dull moment.

After my facial, it's now my turn to get my eyelashes done. It isn't my first time to get eyelash extensions so I can definitely compare my experience from the past. While having my lashes done though, what I obeserved is that, compared to the last time I had it, hindi sya painful or mahapdi. I don't know if I was lucky or di talaga mahapdi yung gamit nilang glue but I was able to open my eyes after about a minute or two. And again, I was well taken care of. This is my 3rd week wearing my lashes, di na siya ganun ka intact but still visible. Another thing that I liked about their extensions is that, it's light.

I posted a short review on my page on my 1st week.

3rd week.
It was totally a wonderful experience for me and I'm glad that I will also be able to share this experience to our lucky mommy winner! I hosted a story contest 2 weeks ago searching for the most desrving mom to have an ultimate makeover. BN Whitening Shoppe is one of the generous hearts who agreed to provide a pamper session to our winner. I will be posting more about our beauty adventure soon in a series of videos and I hope you watch out for it soon! 
Check out my BN Whitening Shoppe Video here: 
Meanwhile, it's almost Kadayawan!!! BN Whitening Shoppe is having a Kadayawan Promotion!
For every Php500 worth of products you get free diamond peel and for every Php1000 worth you get free Oxy Facial! Just let them know you heard it from me!! 
I also got some of their products to try and I will be sharing my experience soon!! 
BN Whitening Shoppe's main branch is located at: 
2nd floor door 1&2 blvd. center bldg
Davao City 8000
You can also check them out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BNWSPH/
Thanks for keeping up with me!! 

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