The Perks of Being A Trying Hard Housewife

by - 10:20:00 AM

As I always mention in my previous blogs, I never was Miss Responsible. Responsibility is my greatest enemy eversince I was a kid. Always tend to leave my valuables (earrings, umbrella, handkerchief, books and even my bag which is bigger and heavier than me.) at school. I usually pass my projects after the submission date. That's why no matter how good and done with much effort my projects are, I'd still get a D. I never was a fan of punctuality too not just in my projects at school but also with the papers to be done at work.

So you see, being in this situation is quite new to me. Being a mom, a working woman and a housewife at the same time.

Being a mom.

Before I got pregnant, I don't usually eat that much. I don't follow healthy diet rules. I eat anything I want, anytime I want. I really don't have a healthy lifestyle. I sleep so late at night. I wake up so late in the morning... actually sometimes early in the afternoon, skipping breakfast and lunch. I drink coffee and soda a lot. It's always tocino and barbeque, fried chicken and junk foods. I DON'T EAT VEGETABLES. 

Now that I have my baby to think about, I have to sleep early and wake up early. I have to et breakfast, lunch and dinner on time. I have to drink milk and vitamins. I have to stop drinking too much soda and I have to quit coffee. 

In addition to that, I now consider myself to be a mom of four... That's Chichi my chiweenie, Chester, my bubbly shihpoo, Cheska our collie and ofcourse my lil baby Lucas!!

Me and Chichi



Being a housewife and a mom..

Happy Mom! 

Now that I have three messy puppies at home and I'm afraid this might be bad for my baby, I have to regularly keep the house clean and pet-odor free. I'm not allowed to clean their poop so my soon-to-be husband do that... only that, basically except from keeping out of poop, I have to do the other cleaning jobs. Which I am not really used to. 

Being a housewife...

Waking up early is just the hardest when you're used to sleeping late. But to avoid World War 8000, I have to. When I was still on my first trimester and my morning sickness was very bad, he have to wake up early, cook breakfast and lunch for me, and prepare for work. Then when he gets home, no matter how tired he was from work, he cooks dinner for us. So he had me promise that when I get through my sickness and when I am able, I should be cooking for him in the morning. Now that I am able, I need to get up early and cook breakfast for him. Again, which I am not really used to. 

Being a working housewife...

After preparing everything in the morning, I have to prepare my desk and get ready for work. I work at home as an Online ESL Teacher. I have morning and evening classes. The only free time I have everyday is in the afternoon. Now I have to squeeze my reading, blogging, budgeting, meet-ups and socializing, paying the bills, making lesson plans... and SLEEPING! And for the nth time, which I am not really used to.

And aside from all of that, I am a daughter who acts as my Father's secretary... who budgets his work money and pay the bills and everything my Father needs me to do. A sister who takes care of their budget too.

Sometimes I fail. Most of the time I get tired... I grew up a spoiled brat and a lazy daisy who just wakes up with everything laid on my table... and all these are new to me. But tell you what, I am happy. I am proud. This is the chapter of my life that I am looking forward to since I was a kid.  To wake up with someone beside me, cook for someone so special, pay all the bills with my hard-earned money (this fact really thrills me!), being trusted by my Father whom I failed a thousand times and being a mom to my bouncing baby boy!!

Responsibilities will never be larger than my life this time.


Kisses from a trying hard,


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  1. Kapit lang... You'll get used to it sooner than you think... It'll be fun... :)


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