Ultra Sound Day

by - 10:23:00 AM

Feb. 1 2013

Journal 1:

I am pretty excited today not for just one but for two reasons. This day ended up very tiring but this is the closest to being fully happy and contented.

Bought the sheer top from Dana's Pickfashion
Sunnies from Chic Boxroom
Cath Kidston Bag. A gift from Achi

One of the reasons is it's Chester's pick-up day! The new addition to my li'l growing family.

My Chubby2x Chester.
Shihtzu Poodle Pup!
I don't need a Chow-chow!

That's Me, My Chi-chi and Chester. <3 p="">

The second and the best news ever was my Ultrasound Result. I'll be having a Baby BOY!!!!

Finally we can go shopping! 
My Lucas Jose Caleb Debarbo

Now we're five in the family.

My happiest so far. Looking forward for more happy days.


I know this isn't enough. I need more. More of HIM in my life. I just need time. But time is running out. I really can't wait to be completely whole. I miss You Dad! 


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