Female Fashionista

by - 4:06:00 PM

Forgive me guys if I'll blab about this, I can't help it. I am just so happy! This may not be much for you, but this is too much for me. Being acknowledged with what I love to do is such heaven. I was surprised, shocked really to be awarded as the "Female Fashionista" of the account I am working with. I've been mentioning a lot the thrill of having no dress code policy in the workplace, I never thought that dressing up to work would pay off. 

Got  100php GC from Bench, 100php from National Bookstore, Snickers and Toblerone!

Another thing, eversince I started working. I was never ever consistent with my attendance ever. But would you believe it that this time I made it? I was one of the Green Carpet Awardees for Perfect Attendance!! Isn't that amazing? I mean, I could never be happier of how well I am doing lately. I'm just happy to know how I grew up to be more and more responsible. That's a big thing y'know.
Anyways, I hope I'd have enough time to post our first ever team building! I'll make time. 


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