Thank You Lord for 2013!

by - 2:09:00 PM

I know I've waited too much. And this is officially my first post for 2014.
What do I have to say? Well, thank you 2013 for giving me a blast. It was a great year. In fact 2013 is the best year so far.

Well of course, God gave me the greatest gift next to my salvation! My son Lucas. He is just mostly everything to me.

For these year. No resolutions as I don't really get to fulfill them anyway. All I have is hope for more improvements. Hoping to be much better in everything I do.

And best of all, I wanted to be the mother every son would like to have. I wanna be the daughter to my Papa, my spiritual Father and my Heavenly Father this year and the coming years.

Never read many books, never had a resolution done, but I think I got better in 2013, lifestyle wise. Though my spiritual life continues to be a battle. I welcome you everyone officially to my 2014. Next posts though will be long overdue posts. Not just for you to read but for me to keep memories.

Happy 2014.

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