Confessions of A Newly Promoted Supervisor.

by - 10:59:00 AM

It’s been a while, I know. I miss writing. I miss those things I really do. I miss dressing up. Today is a rest day so I got the chance. Well, the main reason why I was not able to do the things I love lately was because work consumed me so much that when I get home, all I do is just play with Lucas and sleep. I still get to read sometimes but that’s just it. This is something I haven’t been doing lately, pouring out my heart into writing. But I guess it’s time.

I am happy to announce that I just got promoted. I mean that was 2months ago. I just didn’t have the time to write about it. I had a hard time adjusting. But I think I got used to it this time. So I was once a customer service representative the I became then P.O.C. of the team then I got promoted to becoming a Team Supervisor. Now I don’t take calls, I only take calls when our members are looking for a supervisor.  When I started it was definitely challenging and totally an emotional ride. Being an over thinker didn’t help a lot. Ever since I started working or I think even at school, it had always been my goal to step up. I think I am competitive by nature. Being promoted was a dream come true. It came all of a sudden though. I think I was not emotionally prepared (though I told them I am ready) so the first few weeks were kinda difficult. I have to be transferred to another team. Then I was insecure and uncertain. I lost that confidence. Not to mention the separation anxiety I felt for my previous supervisor. I felt scared. I was too conscious. I started to become pessimistic. I don’t want my superiors to feel that they made the wrong decision of putting me in the position. And too much is never good. When things went wrong, I asked myself why a million times. I regretted every decision and I had the hardest time forgiving myself and moving on. I almost gave up but that’s one thing you can’t expect from me. I know from the start that I was born a fighter. 

So I learned to stop, think and listen. I think one thing that I am always proud of myself is that I am always open for growth.  So I asked for help and took their advices. I am still learning. It’s always gonna be a process because it can’t be done instantly. I am still working things out but the good thing is… now I know what to do. And it should start with me. I am relearning how to trust my own decisions, how to see things in different perspective and how to become a deserving leader. I am taking things one day at a time.  AND A GOOD LEADER NEVER STOPS LEARNING.

But most of all, I know now what I lack. Because I have always known that in whatever you do, it should all be done for His Glory. When I got promoted, I forgot that part.  So now, I will always try to remember to say a prayer before going to work. Thanking God for everyday. Thanking God for my team and offering my each and every day to Him.
Today, it is still a battle. I think every day will be. But I have my mentors, my co-supervisors, I have a great team and I have my Daddy God. I am not fighting alone.

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