Everybody's Sunshine 2.0

by - 7:44:00 AM

Hello everyone!!!!!

I am thinking of relaunching my blog. I've been very silent for long and I wanted to be back on track. I need more inspiration though. I wanted to be more consistent this time which was always my problem with almost everything. Consistency. So I will be "re-introducing" my site to you. 

I started with a blog make-over. I wanted this blog to be more personal. I always had this passion for writing especially when what I am feeling is overwhelming. I write when I am sad, when I am happy, when I am angry. I write everything. And because time no longer permits, I think I lost it too, But I learned that there's no such thing as "time permits". So here I am, taking time or should I say "making time" for my first love. 

Since I am introducing you again to my life, what can you expect?

I am a mom with a great passion for fashion and writing. I love all beautiful things. It is also not a secret that I fell in love with God 4years ago and I am still. There may have been times that we broke apart but I think we're getting back together. We're getting there. I am currently a team supervisor which greatly affects my life as of now. 

So this is gonna be more about my journey with God, of being a mom, my passion for fashion and my learnings as I am becoming an effective leader and basically LIFE. 

For those who Ive been with when I started blogging, thank you. I hope this time I'd be able to share more wonderful experiences with you. 

With love, 

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  1. Thank you for dropping by my blog & leaving behind your precious words,
    have already followed you back in GFC !!
    Love this post ... ..

  2. God bless you in uour journey everyday Tere. Being a mom, a wife to be, a carrer woman, and a faithful servant of Our King! O am so blessed of what you have become now!


Thank you so much for checking on my posts! I appreciate every comments made! Love yah!

