#ATM August

by - 7:42:00 AM

New month. New perspective. 

I just had the best vacation last week in Manila with my best friends and that gave me a new perspective. I will be blogging about it soon. But one main reason why I decided to leave Davao for a while was because I needed to breathe. Last month was quite like an obstacle road for me and I thank God, twas worth it! I am back with a bang!!!

Hello August!! Whether you'll be gentle or not, I am always reminded that happiness will always be my choice. 

What Am I Reading? 

"She loved mysteries so she became one."

At the moment, my current read is Paper Towns. I made time to watch Paper Towns today. Cara is gorgeous but the movie never really made an impression to me. I am still eager to know the plot in the book version though. I really am hoping I'll learn how to make movie and book reviews soon. 

What's on repeat? 

I am currently listening to Jason Mraz' Everything Is Sound. 

When there is love, or when the heart feels heavy
We can lighten it up, if you've had enough
Well you can empty your glass and we can fill it back up
You know it's up to us to make it all up
So what you making up?
I can make it up
That you could be loved no matter what

And know the only time is right now, it's right where, where you are
You don't need a vacation when there's nothing to escape from

It tells me something y'know. Thank you to my ever supportive mare for sharing the song . 

My latest obsession? 


Everybody knows I am not the make up type but then as told by my co-supervisors, I need to learn how to be intimidating and that includes wearing make up at the office. When I went to Manila, all my friends gave me lipsticks! I think that's a sign. Haha. Now I can't just get over all the shades I have. Soon I'll take time to post about it too. 

What I'm Wearing?

And speaking of being intimidating at work, one of my current challenge is to stay away from crop tops and skirts and to make way for business attires and still look fashionable. Challenge accepted of course!

My Short Term Goal? 

It is to gather all my things and have them organized! From shoes, books, clothes and accessories! I am such a hoarder by the way, if I haven't mention that. Oh by the way, Tomato offers cute clothing and accessories at ZALORA. I think I am gonna be checking them out some time this week for additional accessories and organizers. 

How do I feel today?

I feel productive and happy, I decided I am choosing to be happy no matter what. I know it can be easier said than done but I know it'll be effortless in no time. What I'm trying to say is, I can still be happy in whatever path I chose. My Kumare said I should do the things I love to do. I should make time for my passion. And here I am, writing ramdom things in my blog because this is what I love! 

I will be meeting my newbies later and I feel so excited about it!! It's gonna be another challenge and I think its gonna be awesome!

Well August, I am ready for you!! 

Rock n' roll to the world!!

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