Bangkok 2024

by - 2:28:00 PM

8 days in Bangkok and seriously, the struggle on what to post first is so real! 🤣 Let's kick it off with this...

Not everyone will understand but this is pure bliss for me. When I say this has been three years in the making, it definitely is! I've been praying to be back in Thailand since 2020, since I started fangirling over BrightWin. 🥺 In 2020, of course it was pandemic; in 2021, just recovered from pandemic. In 2022, I lost my job, and in 2023, Chichi, my dog died.

And I guess, it's all because, I am meant to be here in 2024. All good things happened. I was anxious, 2 weeks before, because of some uncertainties, but, everything turned out well, so well.

I went there for Win Holidate FanCon... I was hoping to catch Winfinity (Win's yearly birthday event that has been my very reason for wishing to come every February), and I did! I saw him up close... incredibly close! Catching Bright was merely wishful thinking, BUT I DID, and saw him up close too!

And all other bonuses... touristing around Bangkok, visiting cafes, trying good food, GREAT COMPANY, super lovely accommodation... IT WAS ALL GOOD. Like my life has come in full circle. 🥺✨

There are still things that I missed but I'm pretty sure it's because, I will surely be back.

There are still so much to post... so much to tell, so much to share... and i'll take my time so look forward to it!
Ahhh... sepanx is real!

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