Happy Skin Beauty Caravan at Chimes Boutique with Lourd Ramos

by - 11:19:00 AM

Hey, everyone! This might be long overdue and just before Christmas, I chose to share one of the best memories I have in 2016. Last November 13, we were invited at the Happy Skin Beauty Caravan at Chimes Boutique Abreeza with the one and only ANTM's judge Lourd Ramos.

It turned out very unforgettable unexpectedly, I did not volunteer but I was chosen to be one of his models for a quick makeup tutorial. As I always mentioned, and never changed, unfortunately, I always go to events looking unprepared because I don't put makeup. And the only reason is, I don't know how to. Luckily that day, I learned a lot from a legit beauty expert. The best thing about being one of the models that day is I when I got to try the newest lip craze: Happy Skin's Limited Edition Disney Collection. Lourd used Anna on me. I wore it the whole day that day. Another thing that made me giggled too is when Lourd tried out Glam Squad Eyeshadow by Denise Go-Ochoa and felt Kathryn Bernardo for a day. Haha

Anyway, it was actually the 2nd day of Happy Skin's Beauty Caravan at Chimes Boutique and basically Happy Skin Disney Collection's launch and also the Happy Skin Chimes Exclusive Gift Set. 

The Disney Collection features 8 Moisturizing Lippie Shades named after the 8 Disney Princesses plus the Enchanted Rose Blush, Tale as Old as Time Brightening Powder Foundation and Let it Glow Brightening Powder Foundation. I as a newbie is just as excited about trying it out knowing it was a collaboration of makeup and 70% of my childhood... Disney! 

Here are the photos and swatches of the Lippies.

Happy Skin is available in all Chimes Specialty Stores in Davao City,

It was yet again another happy beauty experience for me. Watch out for my next beauty post!!

Up next...

Davao Blogger's Fairest Night of All.

Mwah Mwah!

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