Review: Little Cocoy Nursing Cover

by - 4:38:00 PM

Hello, Mommies!! Hey, Ho Nursing Mommies!

Last January, a very generous breastfeeding momma of Little Cocoy sent me one of their best sellers, their Multipurpose Nursing Cover. This is now one of my essential and my number one diaper bag must have for almost 3 months now. I wanna share why every mommy should check out Little Cocoy.

First of all, what is a Nursing Cover? It is a piece of cloth that helps you breastfeed comfortably in public places. Basically, it covers your little one while you are feeding. As much as we really wanted to normalize breastfeeding, there are still shallow headed people who love to criticize and judge mommies who breastfeed in public, people who do not understand the need of moms to nurse anytime and anywhere. Now, here's your little help to make your breastfeeding in public less stressful and comfortable.

But what makes Little Cocoy's Multipurpose Cover a best seller?

1. It is a full coverage nursing cover. That means you can wear your favorite cropped top without having to worry how it looks like at the back while raising it up to nurse your little one. I am a fan of cropped tops and I don't want my back to look naked while feeding.

2. It is 100% cotton and breathable. This is very much of a help because my little Olivia sweats easily and a lot.

3. The prints are so pretty!!

4. Of course, the best thing... it is a multipurpose cover. It can be used as

-High Chair Cover
-Carseat Cover
-Infant Carrier Cover
-Shopping Cart Cover

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Little Cocoy also sells different nursing cover designs (Nursing Apron and Nursing Scarf) and breastfeeding goodies that will help boost milk supply.

Little Cocoy is a shop for every mom out there. It is inspired by motherhood. It supports breastfeeding fully. But it is not just your one stop breastfeeding shop... Little Cocoy also sells pretty bibs, headwraps and drool pads.

Mommies, check them out on Facebook: and Instagram:

See you on my next blog.

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