#ATM July.

by - 4:28:00 AM

Just before I hit the floor to another stressful week, lemme give you a glimpse of what I am up to right now.

Let me remind you first that even though I am turning 27, I am still a lil girl at heart , a hopeless romantic who goes gaga over 'ships and romantic novels and movies and series. 

One of my stress reliever today is #KathNiel. I came to a point when I got all depressed over things I can't handle at work and all I did was a Got To Believe TV series marathon which features the love team. Whenever I stopped watching then I'd start crying. I really think that  I'm not normal sometimes. Now I guess you can tell what I am currently eagerly watching and waiting for these days.. jologs it may seem but it is Pangako Sa'Yo. 

I am currently re-reading both The Purpose Driven Life and Kieth Green's Biography No Compromise. I am trying my best to complete my 40 days with PDL by heart, It's just that sometimes, whenever it becomes too tiring at work, all I wanna do when I get home is sleep. I really need to learn Time Management very badly. No Compromise changed my life 3 years ago and I am in my desperate need for another change in my life right now so I am giving it another try. 

I have a definite playlist as always. It should be something melancholy. My playlist still has Damien Rice, Chantal Kreviaziuk and Christina Perri and A Fine Frenzy. My sister introduced me to Marie Hines and she is a great addition. Of course, I have my own christian playlist which is always my comforter. But what's on repeat? 

My July Wishlist:

1. A Surf-able swimsuit. I'll be going to Manila soon and my surfer mare invited me on a surf hang out.
2. Instax Films!!! LOTS!
3. Cute IP6 Casing for inspiration.
4. Sunnies Organizer

That's just about it. I might be updating this though. It's almost 8 and it's PSY time!!

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