The Best Year So Far: 2017!

by - 11:27:00 AM

I've been postponing my 2017 year-ender post because I can't find the perfect word to describe it. All I know is that everything that happened in my life in 2017 is something I will be forever grateful for. 

I'll start it with a verse from the Bible, 

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

First and the best highlight of my 2017 is the day I got married!

Finally, we decided to tie the knot! We've been together for 5 years and after 2 kids, we both decided that it's time. And by God's grace, we had an amazing and successful wedding 30th of March last year. We're excited to celebrate our first anniversary this year! 

We also got to celebrate my daughter's first birthday and fulfilled one of my dream theme: Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's. With the help of my favorite organizer and my favorite photographers, My daughter Olivia became the cutest little Audrey Hepburn ever. 

Little Audrey Hepburn. Photo by Giantimages Studio

It was my little boy's first year at school and he was so excited and it was very overwhelming for me! 

First Day of School OOTD!

Finally able to do wire writing workshops! Not just once but thrice and all sold out! It was really one of the most satisfying experience!

First Workshop at FTU Creamery

2nd Workshop at FTU Creamery

3rd Worskshop at Yellow Haus

I've established my page, my daughter's page, and her blog. I've been to lovely places in Davao that I got to feature on my blog. I've collaborated with awesome crafters, successful business owners, and bloggers. I became a Style Genie ambassadress. My daughter got few endorsements too.

Cafe Lagoon at Amiya Resort and Residences

Yummy Alors Restaurant

Beauty Moments Cafe

AlleyCat Teahouse

My CoffeeTime Bistro

FTU Creamery

First Style Genie Purple Box

Olivia's Blog and Page Header
Olivia with Axis-B

There were some unpleasant things that happened in my life in 2017 but I consider them blessings in disguise. After completely letting go of the people who are and things that are not meant to be part of my life, I've created spaces for awesome opportunities I never imagined or even dreamed of.

I finally found my dream job and the most amazing bosses. I acquired more skills and experiences.

I finally got the things I dreamed of having. And they all came sooner than expected! These are the little material things I've been aiming to get and got it all in 2017.

Just before the year ended, I got to spend a super fun vacation with my best friends and I got to meet the people who has been my inspiration.

Azure with BFFs

But the best of it all are the opportunities that opened a way for me to be able to provide the needs of my own family, my parents, and siblings. I find it the most satisfying and the best accomplishment I got in 2017.

I look back to who I am and where I am at the beginning of the year and all I can ever say is Thank You to the Most High for blessing me with all of these.

I know I've been again on hiatus. I have a lot of plans! To record another vlog, to blog once a week, to do great reviews... I got all the things I need but I no longer have the time to do so. I'm hoping to be able to manage my time this year and to update once in a while.

It's February already! I know this is really a super late post. 2018 just started and I am already having a blast! Last December, we were able to book tickets to my first ever out of the country trip! It's another blessing I never expected.

With all these things I mentioned plus my family being healthy and happy, I really couldn't ask for more but just His amazing presence that I've been missing so much. It was a superbly, unforgettable, and exceptional year for me.

I'm telling you more about the start of my year soon!

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