Good Night

by - 9:16:00 AM

Heyah! Just got home.. and just before I go to bed, I promised you.. oh well not really promised but I told you I'd tell you how this day turned out. Well, nothing really significant.. but I was able to get my salary without getting into trouble. When I arrived at the office they just gave it to me like nothing happened. God is good!!! Amen? =))

This evening was our regular G12 meeting. It also went out well and as for my bring-back-my-mood plan, we ate BBQ for dinner instead of a kwek-kwek session. I was so full and that actually brought me back to my mood!

Well, everything went well... Papa God doesn't really want me to sleep with a weary heart! I AM LOVED..

And what's makes my day extra special is this..

I really have readers!! YEAH! That makes my day awesome!!

Thank you so much! So so much!! =))
You inspire me to write and to continue my passion!
I thank God for you.
May God bless you more.
Thank you for making my day!

Happy 52 Followers to me. =)
Ambabaw ko ba? hehe

And as I end my day with you this is my prayer,

Father God,

Thank you for this day. Thank you waking me up and giving me sunshine and rain.
Thank you for every circumstances. Thank you for everything that comes my way.
I know you have greater plans for me and I trust that just as I trust you my whole life.

Thank you for my readers Papa. Thank you for giving them to me to make me happy.
Please Papa, bless the and protect them always with your most precious blood.
And please give them whatever their hearts desire according to your will.
Hear their prayers.

Forgive me for all my sins Papa.

And as we sleep tonight, give us peace.

Your fashionista daughter,


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