Inside My Bag.

by - 8:36:00 AM

Heyah readers! Since I've given up my privacy when I created my About Me page... I'd like to show you what's always in my bag. =))

Here's a trivia... my bag weighs 2 kgs. Hahah! Even those who are pursuing my heart (char!) haha, when they are carrying my bag, they'd always ask what's inside it cause its way too heavy!


So guess now my favorite color! =)))

Yeah most of my stuffs are pink.

Up close. =)

So here's the list of what's inside my bag..

1. My Pink Bible. I just can't leave the house without it.

2. Purpose Driven Life Book. I borrowed this book from Achi.. Up until now still reading Day 1... Cause there's always something getting in the way. =(

3. Daily Women's Devotional Book. I chose this handy devotional book so that even on busiest days... I'd be able to read  the Word...=)

4. Make Up Kit. Which only consists of a blush on, pressed powder, lipsticks and lip gloss. 

5. Pink Journal. My devotional diary.

6. Pink Notebook. Where I write anything and everything!

7. My Pink Wallet.

8. My Pink Umbrella. Pastor's gift!  =)) 

9. My Blue Toothbrush in it's Pink case. 

10. My Pink Pencil Case. Which contains 2 pens, 2 pink highlighters, a correction paint and small post it pad. =)

11. Herbench SoInLove Bodyspray.

I wanna have a 2012 Planner. Can somebody donate? haha! Kidding! =) I am actually thinking of making my own planner.

Yeah!! And by tomorrow, I'm gonna start having OUTFIT POSTS!! Excited much! =))

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