Rushing Waters.

by - 11:21:00 PM

Second day... I woke up just feeling normal. Forgetting that extraordinary feeling of wanting to say Good morning to You. Just when I got up from bed, felt a sudden rush of waters in my heart pouring out like rain. No like a flash flood... getting heavy and heavier. Then I remembered, I have an appointment with You every morning. Yeah I was reminded by that waters rushing.. But I ignored it. Just ignored it.

 As minutes, then hours went by, i just kept on ignoring it. But it felt heavier than ever. And I can't take it anymore... I rushed to my room and knelt on my bed quietly. Pondering. Then I started mumbling. From mumbles to shout. From shout to weep. From weep to laugh. From laugh back to weep. 

 And I sang to You. And I said, 

 I'm sorry for ignoring You. 
I'm sorry for living by my feeling. 
I'm sorry for moving one step away. 
I'm hungry and thirsty. 

I seek You. 
I wanna find You.

 Thank you for making me feel You again. 
For showering me with Your satisfying presence. 
Thank you for hearing my heart out. 
For taking away that heavy waters replacing it with Your fire. 

Don't let me go!

 What else can I do? If I am overwhelmed by YOU. Where else would I go, if my heart keeps coming back to YOU? How would I ever live if I will feel this way when You're not around. I don't want the waters in in my heart. I just wanna go deep in that ocean of Your unending love.

For two days, I wasn't able to talk to Him. And this is how it felt... No I don't wanna feel this again.

And the only time
The only time I ever saw Him run

Was when He ran to me
Took me in His arms, held my head to His chest
Said "My son's come home again"
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice
He said "Son, do you know I still love you?"

When He answered:

From my Women's Daily Devotional Book
February 10


Matthew 28:20

Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of age.

Jesus promised to be with his followers forever. That happens through the Holy Spirit, who lives in those who believe. Thus, you can never be alone when you believe in Jesus; he will not abandon those he has created in love.

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