
by - 10:56:00 PM

Hi. First of all, I am really glad with the positive feedback about my blog. Thank you. The main goal really is to be able to express myself in such a way that I am also spreading the Word. That this isn't just fashion or music or whatever. That in whatever I do, I wanna do it all for His Glory.

Well, last month, I was a bit emotional and seemingly unhappy on some things. Good news is I got over being gloomy and now it's like everyday is a happy day. I even wake up and smile for no reason at all. There's so much more to this life to spend it frowning. Right?

So anyway, here's my another I Am Grateful For List for last month...

1. Well, glad and grateful that I am still here, writing this blog for you to read and ALIVE, ALERT and AWAKE. Everyday is a miracle. Everyday is a blessing. Everyday, we should thank Him.

2. I am so much thankful for God's unfailing love and comforting embrace when I felt restless and confused. Just like what I always say, living a christian life doesn't mean you're invincible anymore and that you'll never gonna get hurt, ever. As long as we are still living here on earth, we are still subjected to pain. But the best thing about having God in your life is that, whenever you feel down or exhausted or like the whole world is on your shoulders, He is there to embrace you anytime you need Him. Seek Him and you will surely find Him. Thank You Lord.

3. On the first week of January, I was chosen as one of the our ministry's primary G12 disciples in which I considered a privilege of course. Serving Him now in whatever way is my passion. This is a big responsibility, I know. But I will do anything for Him. One goal, is to GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES. And I am so much thankful for giving me such wonderful people...

Meet my babies..

4. Well, so far I've been consistent in blogging! Thank God. For the last month, it might not be as what I have planned but so far, yeah I can call myself a blogger now. And I am so thankful for more followers and those passersby who really appreciated my write-ups. 

5. For my amazing students and our friendly office staffs, I thank God for them. For a very flexible schedule at work and for this second chance. 

6. For people who had always been good to me, for making me special in so many ways, for that dynamic love and for those who truly care. Thank God for you.

I AM SO BLESSED. Remember when I said I hated life before? Well, I don't know why... Now I don't understand... haha! Because there's so much more in this LIFE indeed when you learn how to LOVE it. LOVING GOD IS LOVE LIFE.



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